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Many users notice an improvement in their physical and mental condition after a few weeks of using the ÁYIO-Q programme. At this point we have orthodox medicine ignoring or even discrediting all this. What it cannot explain or measure due to a lack of measuring instruments is non-existent and therefore pseudoscience. This is a state of affairs that needs to be changed. Ignorance can only be countered with statistics and proof of healing.
You may be suffering from a disease that could not be cured by conventional medicine. We have an important request to you. If you experience an improvement or healing after using the ÁYIO-Q programme, please inform us about this so that your case can also be recorded statistically. Clinical evidence documenting your healing is very important. Every single case that can be documented and statistically recorded increases the likelihood of being taken seriously by policy makers.
You can also contribute positively in other ways. If you are a patient of an alternative practitioner or naturopath, talk to them. Ask them if they want to participate in the project to statistically record all the healing successes. The more cases we can document, the faster a change can take place. There is no doubt that orthodox medicine is highly competent. But there are other ways that are very effective and also free of the chemical/synthetic side effects.
Help to bring about a positive change. For us, for our children and our descendants!
I am involved – please contact me
[show-quiz id=”8651″ title=”Test of Life-Energy and Self-Healing-Powers”]
To implement the knowledge imparted. To give the mind and body what is provided by nature to every human being as a birthright. Decide! Which is better with the same result? Taking a synthetic pill for a headache with stomach, gall bladder, liver and heart problems as side effects, or doing some proper breathing exercises without side effects?
ÁYIO-Q invites you to follow the path of vitality based on the 2nd principle. Because with its outstanding results and from the point of view of reason, it is the better way to go. We invite you to a path that can raise the vital energy to a high level, allowing the self-healing powers available to every human being to do their work. As written in the ancient Greek teachings, the product of this is physical and mental health!
If you are interested, you can deepen your knowledge of the ancient Greek secret doctrine by means of further leading programmes.
Every concept must be made known. The ÁYIO-Q message is advertised, whereupon interested people read these very lines and decide in favour of the health philosophy presented here.
However, the rapid influx of new participants is fed by word-of-mouth recommendations. People who have gone through a ÁYIO-Q programme recommend us to relatives, friends, business colleagues and partners, doctors, alternative practitioners, physiotherapists, etc. because of their positive experiences and results. This fills us with pride! At the same time, it gives us strength to push ahead with the project of creating a mentally and physically healthy society based on nature.
The base is the ÁYIO-Q module with its two round covers made of precious metal. This is a timeless and beautiful stainless steel plate on which 8 letter symbols are arranged. A glass bottle with a recommended spring water from your nearby surroundings is placed on it for about 10 to 30 minutes. The water is drunk in certain quantities and at certain intervals after it has been positively informed by means of quantum entanglement from a distance. This is done via the ÁYIO-Q module, which also has other positive functions by means of quantum physics.
This is combined with extensive health programmes, which are conveyed in written form. They consist of many easy-to-implement instructions that aim to increase the life energy and self-healing powers of the person, which can result in a mentally and physically healthy state. The great thing is that each participant can do them at home in practice. Long journeys and overnight stays in hotels are no longer necessary, which results in enormous cost savings for the participant
An extensive ancient secret knowledge, coupled with the latest findings from quantum physics and neuroscience. Our endeavour is to impart high knowledge that brings forth a healthy and happy mind and a healthy body.
Our sincere intention from the beginning has been to help as many people as possible to raise their life energy and self-healing powers to a level that can achieve and maintain a state of mental and physical health. People from all areas sought us out locally, which changed abruptly with the COVID outbreak.
Due to travel restrictions, we too had to adjust to the new conditions. This has paid off in every way. The switch to online programmes brought a cost advantage for participants of up to 90%. This was achieved while maintaining the positive results. In addition, thanks to the forced COVID conversion, we can now support many times more people seeking advice in their health process.
Three groups have formed:
The most important principles of the health teachings represented by ÁYIO-Q were written down for the descendants almost 2,500 years ago. They are:
The most important of these measures are:
The principles of the ancient Greek secret doctrine form the essence of our mental and physical orientation. The essence of what we are talking about here comes from, among others, the forefathers of today’s modern medicine, Hippocrates (460-370 BCE), Aristotle (384-322 BCE) and Galen of Pergamum (129-216 CE) being the most famous among them. These men created outstanding and important things, which still earn them a place in the modern medical library after more than 2,000 years.
Who does not know the famous ancient Greek statues with the male athletic bodies and the female beauties? Almost everyone is familiar with them! They still convey beauty, aesthetics, athleticism and, above all, health.
The ancient Greek civilisation fascinates us today not only in the field of health studies, but also in many other disciplines. Their mathematics, cosmology, intellectual history, physics, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy, theory of the state, ethics, anthropology, theory of art and philosophy of language are still taught today in schools and primarily in upper-class universities, as well as secret societies. The ancient Greeks had the knowledge of a successful and healthy society. Listening to such valuable knowledge is therefore also right in the present time.
You may have become aware of us because of a positive review. More likely, however, a good friend or a close family member has recommended this site to you, having already had positive experiences and results with ÁYIO-Q themselves. Perhaps you have been given ÁYIO-Q as a gift and now want to find out more information. Or your doctor, alternative practitioner, physiotherapist, nutritionist, etc. has pointed out ÁYIO-Q to you.
Now you are here!
If you are not familiar with quantum physics, some of the information on this page may seem magical, mystical or even esoteric. This is normal, because you will be confronted with new and partly secret information that will probably turn your conventional world view upside down. Those who have already studied water properties, quantum effects and technology, neuroscience and ancient secret knowledge will have more understanding.
A team of dedicated and motivated experts who follow the path of natural living in the field of health teachings. We see the basis of health in the body’s own ability to heal itself, just as our medical teachers and forefathers did over 2,000 years ago.
We are people who hear with pleasure again and again the sentence: “Thank you! I feel better since I got in touch with ÁYIO-Q.” This fills us with humility and gratitude.
Anyone who has completed one of the ÁYIO-Q Health-Programmes can take part in more advanced courses in the ÁYIO-Q vitality and wisdom teachings. This means that the basic physical and mental purification is a prerequisite for gaining access to the higher ÁYIO-Q knowledge.
94% rate ÁYIO-Q positively
78% recommend ÁYIO-Q to others
88% rate their mental & physical condition better after twelve weeks
58% less anxiety
42% improvement in calmness
34% improvement in sleep
28% improvement in concentration
53% less fatigue
59% Decrease in depression