Centre of vitality

The ÁYIO-Q module

It is about science!

What does ÁYIO-Q do?

ÁYIO-Q successfully concentrates mainly on maintaining and increasing mental and physical health. Quantum technology is used in combination with what Mother Nature offers mankind.

How did this online offer come about?

This is a very exciting story !

Before the outbreak of the COVID pandemic, ÁYIO-Q was visited by people with a wide range of mental and physical ailments. That changed abruptly in March 2020. COVID travel restrictions denied health-seeking people access to the coveted revitalising ÁYIO-Q amenities. Therefore, the company developed extensive online health services to continue to help them maintain and build their health.

The basis is the ÁYIO-Q module with its two round covers made of precious metal. A glass bottle with spring water from the nearby surroundings is placed on it for about 10 to 30 minutes. The water is drunk in certain quantities and at certain intervals after it has been positively informed by means of quantum entanglement from a distance. Thanks to quantum technology, the ÁYIO-Q module has other positive functions which are explained in the respective health programmes.

Online health professionals were consulted during the transition from in-patient services to online health services. During the first interview, they asked the question, what is the main thing ÁYIO-Q offers? What is the end product? The answer was "maintaining and building mental and physical health". "And who books the ÁYIO-Q health programmes?" was the next question. Yes, who books the ÁYIO-Q programmes? They are people with a wide variety of ailments. From chronic ones like headaches, arthritis, obesity, psoriasis, high blood pressure, depression, stress to serious illnesses like diabetes, cancer, heart problems, everything is represented.

Then they wanted to know if we are 100% convinced of our online health offer, which was answered with a clear YES. Then one of the online experts said, "If so, why don't you offer customers a 4-week money-back guarantee? People will snatch the ÁYIO-Q module and the health programmes out of your hands because they are not taking any risks. Especially since ÁYIO-Q has a very high reputation". Our answer was: " No, we don't do that! ÁYIO-Q offer every participant of an online health programme a 6-week money-back guarantee if they feel that there has been no improvement in their health in the first 6 weeks".

Said - Done !

You get a 6-week money-back guarantee when you book a ÁYIO-Q health programme. Our goal is to help you be or become healthy. If we fail to achieve our goal, it is fair to say that you will not receive any money.

What can you book at ÁYIO-Q ?


The ÁYIO-Q module is supplied with the basic activation of the positive information.

Special offer !

Time-limited for 135 EUR instead of 234 EUR!

Delivery: worldwide

Cancellation period 14 days!


The ÁYIO-Q module is supplied with which the drinking water can be enriched with positive information.

Special offer !

Time-limited the ÁYIO-Q module for 135 EUR instead of 234 EUR and a activation period of 6 months for 180 EUR or 12 months for 299 EUR!

Delivery: worldwide

Cancellation period 14 days!


The ÁYIO-Q module in the premium version in conjunction with an online health programme.

The ÁYIO-Q module is supplied with which the drinking water can be enriched with positive information and the ÁYIO-Q touch therapy can be carried out.

Special offer !

Time-limited ÁYIO-Q module for 135 EUR instead of 234 EUR with an online health programme. Prices of the online health programmes can be found on the ÁYIO-Q programme overview

Delivery: Germany, Austria, Switzerland

6 weeks money-back guarantee!

Components of the online health programmes:

How can you join ÁYIO-Q ?

Select a version

Choose the one you want from the versions currently available at a special price

Order the version

Order and pay for the version you want conveniently and securely online on our website

Activate the module

Receive the module with your activation code directly to your door and experience ÁYIO-Q



What information is transferred to the module?

The information is based on sound & frequency, affirmations, natural remedies, vitamins, minerals, positive energy, sacred waters from churches/monasteries and healing springs worldwide.


I have a serious illness, can ÁYIO-Q cure me?

Please note that despite the success of the ÁYIO-Q health programmes, we are not allowed to make any healing promises for legal reasons, and therefore do not make any. The recommendations, approaches to solutions and knowledge conveyed here and within the programmes cannot replace a visit to a naturopathic or specialised doctor or alternative practitioner. ÁYIO-Q is to be seen as a valuable supplement to conventional medicine, but not as a substitute for it. You get a 6 week money back guarantee. If you feel that your condition has not improved in 6 weeks, you will get your money back for the booked health programme. You take no risk and benefit in any case!


How does informing drinking water work in my home?

This is very simple! The drinking water is placed in the middle of the activated ÁYIO-Q module for 10-20 minutes, after which it is drunk.


Is the ÁYIO-Q module limited to one person?

No! This is an offer for the entire household. All family members and also animals can use it. Dogs, cats, birds, horses, hamsters, etc. are wild for the informed ÁYIO-Q drinking water.


I live thousands of kilometres away from your health centre. Does the transfer of information to my delivered ÁYIO-Q module work over such a long distance?

Yes! Quantum technology transmits information over very large distances that go beyond our earth.


How can I cancel?

There is a cancellation function in your account or you can send us an eMail.


Can I buy the ÁYIO-Q module elsewhere?

Important notice:
The ÁYIO-Q module can only be ordered on the ÁYIO-Q website. There are no agreements with third-party suppliers.

What does ÁYIO-Q mean to you

To implement the knowledge imparted. To give the mind and body what is provided by nature to every human being as a birthright. Decide! Which is better with the same result? Taking a synthetic tablet for a headache with stomach, gall bladder, liver and heart problems as side effects, or doing some proper breathing exercises with no side effects?

ÁYIO-Q invites you to walk the path of vitality based on the 2nd principle. Because with its outstanding results and from the point of view of reason, it is the better way to go. We invite you to a path that can raise the vital energy to a high level, allowing the self-healing powers available to every human being to do their work. As written in the ancient Greek teachings, the product of this is physical and mental health!

If you are interested, you can deepen your knowledge by taking further courses.

Are you enthusiastic about ÁYIO-Q?

Recommend it to your loved ones!


© ÁYIO-Q Centre of Vitality 2021